Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

 Elevate Your Logistics Experience with Swan Transportation

The Project
Swan offers top-notch transportation and logistics solutions, specializing in efficient freight management. However, the website was outdated, both from a messaging perspective and visual perspective, that did the job of highlighting what made Swan different than other freight and supply chain logistics management companies. With a fresh new website design, we breathed new life into their brand look and messaging simultaneously to help take them to the next level.
DATE: 2023-Present
"Working with 77 Collective has been a fantastic partnership that has transformed our digital presence and branding. Their insightful and thorough assessment of our marketing needs led to the production of our world class website which will serve us well for many years to come."

- Tim McNulty

Swan Transportation I Partner

The Challenge
Swan Transportation has been working on various website designs, and messaging approaches for a new site for over 18 months. They could not crack the essence of what Swan Transportation does and how they help their customers, overlayed with the inherent way their people at Swan are what make the difference. Enter 77co!
The Approach
We worked through a few design and messaging iterations with the team to land on the fact that Swan's "Why" is what separates them from other logistics companies. Their people make the difference, having a personal investment in helping every company and their unique logistics challenges. We needed that message to come through in their video, photography, and messaging that wraps the top-notch experience of working with Swan Transportation into a great website package.
The Solution
A complete and thorough overhaul of the messaging that bridged the gap between their logistics solutions and what their team's experience brings to the table. We took that vision of a clean and simple site design that did not only focus on the mode of transportation but the essence of what Swan brings to the team through their unique management of supply chain solutions. This site features a fresh design through a crisp typography treatment, treated images, and simple animation to enhance the brand experience.

We continue working with the Swan Transportation team on marketing initiatives, customer engagement, retention tactics, and sales team support through an ongoing retainer relationship.